Most famous tale

As more and more people began to visit Llanberis, more stories began to emerge of a short shaggy creature who moved fleetingly over the shadows of Snowdonia, leaving behind coats made from beards and startling unsuspecting travelers. One of the more publicised accounts came from a group of mountain explorers who in 1924, spoke of an event that happened near the summit of Yr Wydffa. The party claimed to have been attacked by "tiny gorilla men" who were "covered with long brown hair." They fought back causing one of the creatures to fall from a high ledge. That night, the gorilla men retaliated by throwing large rocks - and even their own bodies - at the tent the men were camping in, before the sun finally rose and the creatures then retreated into the caves of the mountain. A Police force investigation reported that the alleged ferocious encounter was staged, that the hikers had strategically placed the rocks around camp themselves and had fabricated the footprints with their own hands. Yet, this report did little to slow the spread of the fantastic tale of man versus beasts. The popularity of the North Wales dwarf legend grew larger than even Rhitta Gawr.

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